Coming soon AURA...

The AuraMV organization is dedicated to saving the world and is actively working to solve global problems. She develops innovative technologies and devices that will help improve the environmental situation on the planet.
One of the main areas of AuraMV's work is the creation of devices for generating energy from sunlight. This will reduce dependence on traditional energy sources and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
Another important task of the organization is the development of technologies for producing hydrogen from electricity. Hydrogen can be used as an environmentally friendly fuel for transportation and industry.
Aura is also looking for new ways to extract water from the atmospheric air. This will help solve the problem of freshwater shortages in some regions of the world.
In addition, the organization is actively involved in projects to green the planet. She develops methods for reforestation and the creation of green areas in cities.
Aura MV cooperates with scientific institutes, universities and companies to accelerate the implementation of its developments. The organization strives to make the world cleaner, greener and safer for future generations.